Jackson Heights veneers
If you're unhappy with how your teeth look, there is a solution that is simply and very effective. The Gentle Dentist, Dr. Amit Sood, provides
Jackson Heights veneers, which deal with nearly any cosmetic dental problem related to size, shape, color, and spacing, including chips and cracks.
Porcelain is fantastic for making our Jackson Heights veneers. It is an ideal match for your tooth color and it's durable. Furthermore, if you are a smoker, a coffee or tea drinker, or you engage in one of the many habits that inevitably lead to the staining of teeth, you will be pleased to know that porcelain holds its color against those items, including red wine and even berries, far better than other materials do. And because our Jackson Heights veneers are a long term solution, it is vital to have a material that will continue to be pleasing visually during the lifespan of the veneers. You may already be familiar with crowns or caps, which are placed over a tooth. Well, veneers are placed in front of your teeth. They give you perfect-looking teeth, even if what's behind them are less-than-perfect. It starts with a consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for them. If so, impressions are taken and then sent to the dental lab. You will return to try on your new veneers. Our restorative dentist will then make any adjustments that you may need in order for them to look and feel the way you want them to. Final bonding requires that the teeth getting them be filed to remove a minimal amount of tooth material. By doing so, your veneers will not protrude and will blend in with your other teeth.
Arrange a convenient time to come in and get started with our
Jackson Heights veneers. Get a smile you can be proud to show off.
By The Gentle Dentist
October 23, 2017
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